Lessons for Newer Players

Our club offers two five-lesson courses for players who either want to learn to play bridge or who have been away from the game for a while and wish to reboot. These courses are imaginatively titled Beginners 1 and Beginners 2 respectively.

For those who might be interested in learning how to play bridge but aren't sure, we offer Learn Bridge in a Day (LBIAD) - a one-day session that gives its participants a taste of bridge. The next LBIAD session will be offered on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm.

Beginers 1 and 2 follow Learn Bridge in a Day.

LBIAD on September 14 is currently full. To go an a waitlist for the fall or winter session email [email protected]

It is not necessary to be a member of our club to take these lessons.

Details about these lessons can be found on our Beginner Lessons page. The price is $85 for Beginners 1 (includes the cost of the textbook), $75 for Beginners 2 (it uses the same textbook as Beginners 1), and $35 for Learn Bridge in a Day.

How to Pay Your Lesson Fees

You can pay your lesson fee in one of these two ways:

Send an etransfer to:

GrandRiverBridgeClubTreasurer@gmail.com     *** NEW ***

No password is required.

Please indicate in the e-transfer comments entry section:

  • What your payment is for
    especially if you are paying for more than one thing
  • Your name 
    (or names if you are paying for multiple people)
  • Your email address 
    (NOTE: we will confirm receipt of payment only if the email address is entered)

Alternately, you can write a cheque payable to Grand River Bridge Club (not GRBC) and mail it to:

Steve Allen
75 Lorilee Crescent
Kitchener, ON  N2N 2J3

Please write the same three data points as above on the back of your cheque. (NOTE: We will confirm receipt of payment only if the email address is present.)

Please note that in addition to paying for your lesson(s), you must also register for your lesson(s).

If you forget to register but rather just send us an etransfer with no identifying information, sometimes we have no idea who you are or how to contact you. This has already happened several times, and it has taken a team of trained detectives to figure out who made the payment, what it is for, and how we can deliver the desired service.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about the lessons we offer, send us a message.

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Keep Improving Your Game

Go to the Ongoing Learning page for information about our lessons for players interested in improving their game.

It is not necessary to be a member of our club to take lessons or attend our labs.

Bridge Labs for Newer Players

We offer bridge labs for newer players every Monday morning (except holiday Mondays). These sessions are very informal and relaxed. You don't need to come with a partner or even arrive on time. At the labs, you play a bunch of hands but do not keep score, and you can discuss the hands with and ask questions of the experienced lab leader(s) present. This is an excellent way for beginner/novice players to learn the ropes and improve their skills. The cost is $8 members/ $10 non-members.

Upcoming Topics

Sept 16 - Tournament Play with Susan Lawton (the full morning)

Sept 23 - DONT - Distrubing Opponent's No Trump with Sue Moses

Sept. 30 - Intial Hand Evaluation with Malkin Howes

Oct. 7 - Hand Re-Evaluation with Malkiin Howes

Oct. 14 - Thanksgiving - no lesson 

Oct. 21 - Play of the Hand (POTH) in No Trump with Dave Quarrie



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