Bridge Labs Resume - October 2

Saturday, 23 September 2017 by Sandy Graham

Bridge labs (informal bridge hands with guidance from experienced players on request) will resume on Monday, October 2 and run from 9:00 am until 11:30 am. The fall season will comprise five labs (October 2, skip Thanksgiving weekend, October 16, October 23, October 30, and November 6).

And now for something completely different. The fall labs will be offered at two levels – one for “new” beginners and the other for “seasoned” beginners who want to improve their skills and learn more.

The charge for the labs will be $6 for members. Non-members have the choice between paying $8 per lab or buying a half of a convenience card for $30 (= $6 per lab, a savings of $2 per lab). Of course, members can also buy half of a convenience card – and this is in fact encouraged because it makes life easier in terms of administration (exact change is requested from the inconvenient labbers).